Old Spice Deodorant is going on sale tomorrow at Target!
When you buy 4 you get a $5.00 gift card!
If you've been buying the paper every week like your supposed to, there is a Buy 1 Get 1 Old Spice coupon from the March P&G, so get 4 for $3.99 each for a total of $15.96 use 2 coupons for a total of $3.98 because if you have an awesome cashier the coupon auto-deducts $5.99 even though each deodorant is only $3.99
but your out of pocket should be $3.98 plus tax and then receive a $5 gift card!!! Keep rolling this deal with your gift card and more coupons!! I'll be doing this deal 5 times!! since I have 10 coupons!!
I'll keep this blog updated as more great deals come in!!
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