Old Spice Deodorant is going on sale tomorrow at Target!
When you buy 4 you get a $5.00 gift card!
If you've been buying the paper every week like your supposed to, there is a Buy 1 Get 1 Old Spice coupon from the March P&G, so get 4 for $3.99 each for a total of $15.96 use 2 coupons for a total of $3.98 because if you have an awesome cashier the coupon auto-deducts $5.99 even though each deodorant is only $3.99
but your out of pocket should be $3.98 plus tax and then receive a $5 gift card!!! Keep rolling this deal with your gift card and more coupons!! I'll be doing this deal 5 times!! since I have 10 coupons!!
I'll keep this blog updated as more great deals come in!!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
Free and Cheap Body wash @ Walgreens! Saturday ONLY!!!
I hope you've been getting those papers like I told you to do!!
This Saturday at Walgreens you will be able to score 6 dial body washes for the price of 1!! How????
Walgreens early activates their deals at 4:00pm now Dial body wash is on sale for Buy 1 Get 1 Free, so what you have to do it get those dial coupons (Buy 2 Get 1 Free) from the Red Plum insert from 1/26.
Get 6 dials and use 2 dial coupons making your out of pocket the cost of only a single bottle!! Awesome I know! But here's the Kicker you have to do this Saturday only because the coupon expires on the 15th ughh!!
Free tone Body wash! It's on sale also for Buy 1 Get 1 Free, and we have Buy 1 Get 1 Free tone coupons from the same Red Plum insert! which makes getting 2 Tones absolutely Free!!! (+tax)
Same deal has to be done on Saturday!!!
Happy Couponing guys!!!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Want some Freebies??!
I know you've seen all those pop ups for doing surveys and get free things in return, only to find that it was just a waste of sweet time -_-
But there are some real ones. The one I'm using right now is called BzzAgent
Join do all the surveys and start reaping the benefits. When you first make your account there are ALOT of surveys, just do them it's a way for them to see what kind of things to send you based on how you answer the surveys. I've gotten Cottonelle, Glade Products, Neutrogena products, Kroger deals and a bunch of coupons from there already and it was all free. You just have to do a review on the product after you've used it. It's really that simple! SO go!!
Monday, February 10, 2014
$25 off $50 coupon at Kroger!
Hey guys sorry about the lack of blogging but heres a great coupon for you if you have a Kroger card if not go get one :)
Click here to load the coupon on to your Kroger card, you can download the Kroger app onto your phone for other coupons that they offer too!!
Just load it on your card it doesn't expire until 4/4/14
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Cheap Huggies today only!!
Saturdays at Walgreens are probably my favorite part of the week next to Sundays at CVS, WHY???
It's Double Dip Saturdays, it's that wonderful day where the sales merge from the past week and the coming week! Only on Saturdays after 4pm
This past week Huggies were on sale for $8.99 and this coming week will be buy 1 get 1 50% off so today only you can get both deals together!! So total $13.48 plus tax for 2 packs!! If you have any Huggies coupons from last weeks Sunday paper your out of pocket is going to be amazing!!
For me I'm getting 2 packs and have (2) $3 off coupons making my out of pocket about $7.48 for 2 packs
So get out there!!! Make sure your local walgreens does early activation not all of them do it
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Prepare yourself for this sunday 1/19/14
This sunday we're getting awesome deals on Lady Speed Stick, Huggies/ Pull ups, & Soft soap/ Irish Springs Body wash These deals are all at CVS, and we're going to do separate transactions so you can roll Extra Care Bucks if you don't have any
Buy this Sunday's paper I'm buying 5 as usual for me but you will need at least 4 to complete these deals.
1st Transaction
Lady Speed stick and Speed stick are on sale for $1.99 this week
In this week's paper there will be a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Coupon or a $1.00 off coupon either 1 will work the same.
You are going to get $12 worth of Speed stick so that will be 6-8 Sticks depending on if your CVS will activate your ExtraCare bucks at $11.94 if not just get 8 at a total cost of $15.92, use your coupons if you have a B1G1 coupon you'll need to use 3 or 4 depending on if you got 6 or 8 sticks. that will cut you cost 50%. The best part is you will get $6 Extracare bucks after that purchase so this has potential to be absolutely Free!
2nd Transaction
now you have $6 ECB's to work with
Your next deal will be on Softsoap Body wash or Irish Springs Body wash, whatever you may prefer. It's on sale for 4/$12 and get $6 ECB
There is a 75cent off coupon on softsoap and $1.00 off coupon on Irish Springs Body wash
You Get 4 Softsoap Body wash or Irish Springs Body wash or mix and match. Use 4 coupons depending on which body washes you bought. Use your $6 ECB's from your previous transaction, your total will be between $2.00- $3.00 plus tax depending on what you got and then get receive $6 ECB's!!
3rd Transaction!
You can keep you $6 ECB or you can use it for this last transaction if you need Diapers
When you spend $30 you receive $10 ECBs
There are a variety of coupons for huggies and pull-ups there are a couple on huggies website there will be $1.00-$1.50 off coupons in the paper. If you were lucky to get the $3.00 off coupons from last week thats awesome!
Lets just say you have the $3 coupon off the huggies
get 3 packs for a total of $29.97 use 3 coupons. now we're at $20.97, use that $6 ECBs!! now we're at $14.97! and we're getting a $10 ECB in return!!!
If you have a $10 ECB to roll that's even better you'll be spending $10.97!!!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Free Purell! Free 24 pack Bottled water!
Tonight's run consisted of 10 24 packs of water 12 Purell 8oz Hand Sanitizer's and 4 Windex touch ups I would of gotten more if I felt like printing more haha :) maybe tomorrow...... ;)
but here's the breakdown
Office Depot has Nestle Pure Life water on sale this week for $2, you'll need this
it's a Staples coupon but Office Depot accepts competitors coupons! so you can either buy 2 cases for a total of $4.00 and get something else for $1.00 (ex a pack of gum) and pay nothing at all orrrrr just buy 3 cases for a total of $6.00 and pay $1.00
If you're unlucky like me and all you have is office max you can pretty much do the same deal but with the water that they have. It's on sale for $2.99 use that coupon, it works at Office Max too get 2 cases for $6.00 and pay $1.00! Take a friend to get even more
Free Purell at Walgreens and Staples!
There's a $2.00 off coupon Hopster and both
Walgreens (walgreens January savings book find it in the store near the weekly circulars)
Staples (in this weeks Staples circular, can be found at the front of the store or in the sunday paper)
both have $1.00 off store coupons! Remember you can use 1 Manufacturer coupon and 1 Store coupon on the same item. They are on sale at both stores for $2.99 making them free!!
Windex Touch ups
I got 4 for at total of .65 cents, You'll need (2) Buy one get 1 free coupons they were in this 1/12 Sunday paper Smartsource insert, then (4) $1 off windex touch ups internet printable coupons and (1) $2.00 off internet printable coupon when you buy 3 windex products from target's website
Make sure you load your target cartwheel app as well!! there's an additional 10% off on the cartwheel
use allllllll of these on the 4 Windex and your total will be .65 cents
Sounds complicated but it's not just print what everything above and just give them all to the cashier
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Viva Paper towels $3.12
Run and go get this deal as soon as possible!!!
Rite aid has another awesome clearance deal, this week its on viva paper towels. They average around $10 depending on where you shop. They are ringing up $3.12
But I ran out and bought 10 and spent $31 thats 80 rolls!!!
So don't hesitate go get this deal. No coupons required
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Early morning CVS deal! 8 toothpaste for .92
Cvs deal of the morning to start you rolling your extra care bucks guys!!! Rembrandt is usually very high I mean like 6-8$ per box but this week it's on sale for $3.99 at cvs and when you spend $30 you get $10 Extra Care Bucks. Here's the breakdown I hope everyone has signed up for their cvs cards and registered them online, because CVS send out extra coupons on Thursday and this weeks was $5 off when you spend $25 and that's BEFORE you use the coupons! Ok here we go!!! To activate the deal you need to get 8 boxes of Rembrandt like I said its on sale for 3.99, go to and there is a $2 off Rembrandt coupon for toothpaste, you're going to need 8 coupons so you can get 2 per computer and if you have an hp printer with wifi you can print 4 per smartphone or tablet, work it out, when you get 8 your total is 31.92 then use 8 $2.00 off coupons, down to $15.92, which still isn't bad, use your $5 off $25 cvs coupon from your email down to $10.92, use 10 extracare bucks if you have them and you're down to .92 cents plus tax! Oh and then you get 10 extracare bucks back!! Some of you will be at 10.92 for the deal but that's still pretty amazing because you get 10 extracare bucks back, just remember to roll those bucks to make your deals better!!!
Breakdown of my Haul $400+ for $30
11 Glad ware containers $.3= on sale .63 cents a piece
5 Scopes 2.99 a pop= used $4.50 off 2 coupon, Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupon, and $1 of Internet coupon, Buy 5 save $5 too
Crest toothpaste 2.99= buy 5 save $5 used came to $1.99 used $2 off coupon
7 Febreeze Candles $3 a piece= on sale for .32cents used a .75 cent off coupon got the overage for each one of .38 cents
4 Air Wick candles 6.50 each= on sale for 1.47, used a $2.00 off 2 coupon
3 2 pack Crest Whitestips $40 each pack= Walmart glitch for $10 for 2
4 Glade Spray $3= on sale for .74 cents used a $1.50 off 2 coupon
8 Febreeze Spray $3= on sale for .74 cents, used $1 off coupon received the overage of .26 cents
10 Febreeze Noticeable plug ins $5= on sale for $1.22 used a $2.00 off coupon received .78cents overage
Renuzit $1.00= on sale for .23cents used $1.50 off 3 coupon
Febreeze car plug $3= on sale for .32cents used .75 cent off coupon received overage
Saturday, January 4, 2014
FREE Butterball Turkey Bacon
Get some free bacon at walgreens this weekend starting Sunday go to this link on facebook like them and print off the $1 coupon, it's on sale this weekend for .99 Cents. Simple! Remember if they are out of stock just get a Raincheck!!!
<3 Jas
Happy Couponing
Friday, January 3, 2014
Dove Men's Body Wash for $0.29 Cents
Do you have a Rite Aid Wellness Card??
If not go to and sign up for a card, once thats done log in and watch the video values under personal for Dove men's body wash.
You'll get a Rite Aid coupon for $1.50 for watching the video
Then go to and print the $2.00 coupon for Dove Men's Body wash
You'll be able to use (stack) both of these coupons together because like we discussed in an earlier post you can use 1 store coupon and 1 manufacturer coupon
Dove is on sale for $3.79
Scan your card, or give the cashier your phone number if you don't have your card yet.
Use the $1.50 store coupon, you're at $2.29.
Now use your $2.00 Manufacturer coupon leaving $0.29 plus tax to pay.
<3 Jas
Happy Couponing :)
Just Raincheck it
When you're a couponer you have to make sure that when there's a deal you go out and get that deal ASAP. The early bird get the worm. But then there are those times when you can't get to the store right away because unfortunately we all have real lives.....
so what do you do when you try to go get the item of interest and it gone?!
Get a raincheck! A raincheck is sort of like an IOU for that specific item, you can get it later when they are back in stock for the same deal that was offered.
Ex. My scopes were completely wiped out at CVS and Kroger, but thats's ok because I got rainchecks from both stores. so I can get the same deal within 30 days so buy 5 get $5 at Kroger and buy $30 get $10 ECBs at CVS
so what do you do when you try to go get the item of interest and it gone?!
Get a raincheck! A raincheck is sort of like an IOU for that specific item, you can get it later when they are back in stock for the same deal that was offered.
Ex. My scopes were completely wiped out at CVS and Kroger, but thats's ok because I got rainchecks from both stores. so I can get the same deal within 30 days so buy 5 get $5 at Kroger and buy $30 get $10 ECBs at CVS
Thursday, January 2, 2014
This Sunday is A great place to start!
So this Sunday January 5, 2014 would be an awesome week to start your couponing journey if you are a little overwhelmed at what to do. In this weeks Sunday paper there will be 5 inserts! 3 Smart source and 2 Red plum! So buy multiple papers and get clippin'
Also take some time and go print out some more coupons. Print some Downy coupons, they're on sale at target right now, and there are some store coupons on There are manufacturer coupons listed on the site as well. But if you have the January P&G there are some higher value coupons there.
Good Scenario Use your manufacturer coupon, store coupon, and if you haven't download the Target Cartwheel app on your smart phone do that as well, I'm pretty sure it's giving an extra 10% off this week on Downy!
<3 Jas
Also take some time and go print out some more coupons. Print some Downy coupons, they're on sale at target right now, and there are some store coupons on There are manufacturer coupons listed on the site as well. But if you have the January P&G there are some higher value coupons there.
Good Scenario Use your manufacturer coupon, store coupon, and if you haven't download the Target Cartwheel app on your smart phone do that as well, I'm pretty sure it's giving an extra 10% off this week on Downy!
<3 Jas
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Scope Mouthwash Deal!
CVS has an unadvertised deal spend $30 get $10 so get your Buy 1 Get 1 coupons from your January P&G and get that booty on over to CVS!!
Or even better if there's a Kroger in your city their special is pretty amazing Buy 5 save $5 use those B1G1s before they expire!
Breakdown at Kroger: the mouthwash is 2.99 and when you buy 5 you save $5.00
so let's buy 5, so buying 5 would cost 14.95 by it self then subtract $5, you are now at 9.95
use your $4.50 off 2 coupon, now $5.45, use a Buy 1 Get 1 so subtract 2.99, you are at 2.46, then use a single $1 off for your last bottle and you are at $1.46 +tax for 5 bottles!!
if you have 2 kroger cards do it again with that 4.50 of 2 coupon!
Download the Kroger app there is a coupon on there for saving $4.50 on 2 so we use that coupon on 2
Or even better if there's a Kroger in your city their special is pretty amazing Buy 5 save $5 use those B1G1s before they expire!
Breakdown at Kroger: the mouthwash is 2.99 and when you buy 5 you save $5.00
so let's buy 5, so buying 5 would cost 14.95 by it self then subtract $5, you are now at 9.95
use your $4.50 off 2 coupon, now $5.45, use a Buy 1 Get 1 so subtract 2.99, you are at 2.46, then use a single $1 off for your last bottle and you are at $1.46 +tax for 5 bottles!!
if you have 2 kroger cards do it again with that 4.50 of 2 coupon!
Download the Kroger app there is a coupon on there for saving $4.50 on 2 so we use that coupon on 2
remember to roll those Extra Care bucks!!
Get More & Different Coupons on!
Optimize your couponing on and all other coupon sites by changing the zip code that is in your profile.
I live in Virginia with zip code 23075 where right now the savings total is only $574.75
When I switch it to 77477, Texas my savings total is now $641.14
So switch it up sometime my favorites are 77477 (TX), 90210(CA), and 30032(GA), 10108 (NY) is also pretty decent sometimes its completely different coupons for the same product so that makes the 2 print limit per computer a little easier to handle when you want more!
How do you change the zip code?
Go to "Your profile" in the top right hand corner
once inside just edit the zip and state and save
Couponing in Hell.....WALMART
Once you begin your couponing journeys you will find stores where people find it easy to coupon where cashiers and managers are just friendly and make your life so much easier. :)
and then there's.......... WALMART..........
the weapons you're going to need
-Legitimate coupons (meaning NO photocopied internet printables)
-make sure your coupons have no limit (if they say per day that means there's a limit)
-if the coupon says limit 1 coupon per product per customer that just means you have to make separate transactions, no big deal. (this is only if you're trying to get a big haul of something)
-If your walmart has a self checkout just go there!! go straight to the SELF CHECKOUT! as long as you're not trying to get any overage you shouldn't have an issue even if your coupons have a limit.
-make sure your coupons have no limit (if they say per day that means there's a limit)
-if the coupon says limit 1 coupon per product per customer that just means you have to make separate transactions, no big deal. (this is only if you're trying to get a big haul of something)
-If your walmart has a self checkout just go there!! go straight to the SELF CHECKOUT! as long as you're not trying to get any overage you shouldn't have an issue even if your coupons have a limit.
They try and tell you anything in the world to make it seem like you're stealing from them but just know, what you're doing is completely legal.
Their policy clearly states !!! Know this!
- There is no limit on the number of coupons per transaction
- If coupon value exceeds the price of the item, the excess may be given to the customer as cash or applied toward the basket purchase.
We gladly accept the following types of coupons*
- Print-at-home internet coupons
- Must be legible
- Must have "Manufacturer Coupon" printed on them
- Must have a valid remit address for the manufacturer
- Must have a valid expiration date
- Must have a scannable bar code
- Buy one, get one free (BOGO) coupons with a specified price
- Are acceptable in black and white or color
- May not be duplicated
- Manufacturers' coupons
- For dollar/cents off
- For free items (except those printed off the Internet)
- Buy one, get one free (BOGO) coupons
- Must have "Manufacturer Coupon" printed on them
- Must have a valid remit address for the manufacturer
- Must have a valid expiration date
- Must have a scannable bar code
- May not be duplicated
- Competitors' coupons
- A specific item for a specified price, for example, $2.99
- Buy one, get one free (BOGO) coupons for items with a specified price
- Have a valid expiration date
- Are acceptable in black and white
- Soft drink container caps
- Checkout coupons ("Catalinas")
- Printed at our competitors' registers for dollar/cents off on a specific item
- Must have "Manufacturer Coupon" with specific item requirements printed on them
- Must have a valid remit address for the manufacturer
- Must have a valid expiration date
- Must have a scannable bar code
- Are acceptable in black and white
- May not be duplicated
*The following are guidelines and limitations: AD MATCH!! - We will match any local competitor's advertised price.
- We do not require customers to have the ad with them to honor a competitor's ad.
- Items purchased must be identical to the ad (size, quantity, brand, flavor, color, etc.)
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