This sunday we're getting awesome deals on Lady Speed Stick, Huggies/ Pull ups, & Soft soap/ Irish Springs Body wash These deals are all at CVS, and we're going to do separate transactions so you can roll Extra Care Bucks if you don't have any
Buy this Sunday's paper I'm buying 5 as usual for me but you will need at least 4 to complete these deals.
1st Transaction
Lady Speed stick and Speed stick are on sale for $1.99 this week
In this week's paper there will be a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Coupon or a $1.00 off coupon either 1 will work the same.
You are going to get $12 worth of Speed stick so that will be 6-8 Sticks depending on if your CVS will activate your ExtraCare bucks at $11.94 if not just get 8 at a total cost of $15.92, use your coupons if you have a B1G1 coupon you'll need to use 3 or 4 depending on if you got 6 or 8 sticks. that will cut you cost 50%. The best part is you will get $6 Extracare bucks after that purchase so this has potential to be absolutely Free!
2nd Transaction
now you have $6 ECB's to work with
Your next deal will be on Softsoap Body wash or Irish Springs Body wash, whatever you may prefer. It's on sale for 4/$12 and get $6 ECB
There is a 75cent off coupon on softsoap and $1.00 off coupon on Irish Springs Body wash
You Get 4 Softsoap Body wash or Irish Springs Body wash or mix and match. Use 4 coupons depending on which body washes you bought. Use your $6 ECB's from your previous transaction, your total will be between $2.00- $3.00 plus tax depending on what you got and then get receive $6 ECB's!!
3rd Transaction!
You can keep you $6 ECB or you can use it for this last transaction if you need Diapers
When you spend $30 you receive $10 ECBs
There are a variety of coupons for huggies and pull-ups there are a couple on huggies website there will be $1.00-$1.50 off coupons in the paper. If you were lucky to get the $3.00 off coupons from last week thats awesome!
Lets just say you have the $3 coupon off the huggies
get 3 packs for a total of $29.97 use 3 coupons. now we're at $20.97, use that $6 ECBs!! now we're at $14.97! and we're getting a $10 ECB in return!!!
If you have a $10 ECB to roll that's even better you'll be spending $10.97!!!